Technical Cable Applications is proud to be officially registered with the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) through the Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (DTCC) for the United States. This certification shows our commitment to manufacturing extremely high quality, custom cable assemblies for all kinds of industries, including military cable assemblies for aerospace, marine and automotive applications and more. Our assembly manufacturing facility is one of the most advanced in the United States, and our quality control protocols are extremely thorough to ensure that every cable assembly, each of our wire harnesses and every connector and shielding involved is manufactured exactly to specifications. Using automated work instructions from our partners at Scout Systems to account for every individual part and connector that is used in our manufacturing of cables, and trace any problems back to their source so we can avoid them in the future. This automation also allows us to optimize our work processes to be as tight as possible, and reduce waste. This helps us reduce costs and pass those savings on to our customers.
Defense Cable Assemblies
The first thing you may think of in regards to military technology or products used by the military is likely weaponry or the offensive vehicles used by the military branches of the United States. However, the military and defense industry in the United States overlaps with so many other industries, that it may be hard to find one that doesn’t have some correlation. While we’ve already listed obvious applications for military aerospace, marine and automotive vehicles that TCA is able to manufacture assemblies for, we also specialize in custom cable assemblies and wire harness manufacturing for military and defense operations in the following sub-industries:
- Telecommunications (long and short distance signal transmission, radio, Ethernet, and much more)
- Medical (facilities, equipment and machinery)
- Energy (batteries and other energy storage)
- Construction (power and internal communications for facilities)
- Manufacturing (automation for military and defense production facilities)
Custom Military Cabling and Harnesses
Our expertise in cable assemblies utilizing all kinds of wires, cables, connectors, shielding, and materials as needed by the client makes us perfect for the extremely diverse, yet demanding requirements for military and defense applications. Whether you’re in need of custom M12 cable assemblies for a military manufacturing facility’s automation needs, custom ECG cables for military hospitals here in the States or in international locations, or specialized RF triaxial wire harnesses to ensure seamless and lossless communication for a Navy aircraft carrier, Technical Cable Applications has the experience and expertise to handle just about anything you can throw at us. Just send us your cable drawing and any necessary NDAs so we can give you a quote and get started!